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Evo Systems is an innovation consulting company that has 03 pillars of action:


We turn ideas into products

aiming at the evolution of systems and businesses


We offer our knowledge as a service

through Products, Specialized Consulting and Training


We develop and improve environments for software production

Our company was born from a master's degree at the University of São Paulo (USP) and from experience in R&D projects with industries,  startups and incubators.


In our trajectory, we have developed systems and applications for large banks, technology companies and the public sector (CETESB, USP and  IPT). Always focusing on innovation and business evolution.

Our professionals act as mentors for startups and acceleration programs

thanks to the experience acquired over the 5 years working as managers of the USP incubator,  evaluating business plans from large companies and carrying out innovation projects with IT and electronics players such as AWS,  IBM,  Intel,  Microsoft,  Samsung  and  ST Semiconductors.

We have a talent training program, which selects students from the final year of  graduation of  engineering of  Computing at USP and the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP).


We prepare and train according to the client's needs

At the end of the program, students are trained and prepared

to work with our customers in their business environments.

We developed a series of prototypes for technological feasibility


In mutual encryption, image recognition, distributed architecture of systems with Netflix components (latency control, log, availability), IoT hardware.

We assist our clients in the analysis and validation of projects to be started and  that are in progress


in order to result in better working practices. (AGIL, DevOps, ITIL, etc). we act  directly in analysis, development and deployment.


Evo Systems offers free training to students from partner universities:


Web Development in .NET MVC  in C#


app development  iOS mobile in Swift 4.0


app development  Android mobile in Kotlin

T hese trainings are free of charge for the student and provide a certificate of completion .  IT IS  a way of the students  complement  your  training and experience an environment very close to a real project. 

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